For searching SELLING offers of a token just use Telegram search tool and write #thetoken. For example, #MUXE would show all the pairs and offers willing to give MUXE for another currencies. For searching BUYING offers of a token you may just write in the Telegram search tool the name k that token. For example, writing MUXE will show you all the pairs that are offering any coin for MUXE (which they are buying).
In order to easily search for a concrete trading pair don’t hesitate to use Telegram searching functionality and type: #ABC_XYZ, being ABC the name of the first currency and XYZ the name of the second currency. This way you will directly be directed to the searched pair.
For example: if you do search #DOGE_ETH, you will be directed to the DOGE/ETH pair where users may be selling their DOGE for ETH. Or if you search #ETC_MUXE, you would be going to the ETC/MUXE trading pair where users may be selling Ethereum Classic go MUXE. It also works the other way round: if you search #MUXE_ETC you’d be shown MUXE selling offers for some Ethereum Classic.