

What is MUXE B.V?

MUXE B.V is the legal registered company name behind the MUXE Project. The company was established and founded in the Netherlands on the 16th of February 2018. However the muxeproject initiative started on the 5th of January in 2018.

Since then the growth of the company has gone into the right direction and the expansion of MUXE BV has diversed into many different areas within the MUXE EcoSystem.

Muxe BV and Muxe Ecosystem What are the differences?

The Company "MUXE BV" and the "MUXE EcoSystem are two different things. The Company is behind the development of a variety of softwares, websites, applications, tools and software's as a service both on a subscription based service and free to use.

The MUXE Token Smart-contract was originally initiated on the blockchain by MUXE BV. The growth of sustainability is therefor on of the goals and points of focus that MUXE is prioritizing with extra dedication. With the release of the platform MUXE BV is finally able to start launching the services that we have been preparing over the past few years.

With that we are opening our doors to many new customers and aim to dedicate our time to their needs to ensure them from the best success rate we can possibly provide.

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