How to use MUXE MEDIA TV:
MUXE MEDIA TV is a video streaming website were the team of MUXE has manually selected the video content of our youtube streaming partners. The first release of MUXE Media Channels has been a simple managed website by our team but in the next version we will allow more people to stream directly through out our network. If you are wondering how the current MUXE Media Channels works then you are at the right place to find out more.
How to get started with MUXE MEDIA TV
After you have opened the MUXE MEDIA TV Website ( wait a few seconds till the categories grid is fully loaded. Once you have selected a category click on the Check It Out button. Once you have loaded the web page you will see a grid with videos which you can select from. At the bottom of the page you will find a load more button, this will allow you to load more videos on your web page. We use a load more button in order to load the web pages more efficiently.
Hover over the video that you want to watch or click on the picture in case you are using a mobile phone. You will see two buttons, Click the button on the left side to see a larger image or click the button on the right to open the web page of the video directly.
Once you have opened the page you will find the video on the left top side of the screen and usually an description on the right side. Since we have changed the way of loading videos you will notice that some of the web pages of older uploads will use another format to load the videos. However both formats should have a smooth process when your watching a video. You can scroll down to find related videos from the same channel or similar channels.